Contact Us
St Mary's Church of England VA Primary Academy
Fuller Street
NN16 0JH
Enquiries: Mrs C Whitaker
Tel: 01536 485500
St Mary's Church of England VA Primary Academy Trust - registered in England and Wales
Registered Address as above - company number 08441554
Office opening times
Monday to Friday
8:45am - 3.30pm
If you need to report that your child is ill and will not be coming into school, please leave a message.
It is recommended that any child with diarrhoea and/or vomiting symptoms must stay away or be excluded from the school until they have been free of symptoms for 48 hours (the '48-hour rule') and feel well. Personal hygiene whilst ill must be very strict.
Should you require paper copies of any document on our website, please contact the office on the above details.
Head Teacher: Mrs Diane Wright
Chair of Governors: Mr Mark Broughton
Data Protection Officer Mr Melvyn Hunter
The Head teacher and Chair of Governors can be contacted through the school office address.
Data Protection officer can be contacted through
The Admin team
Mrs S Hewitt - Business Manager
Mrs Robinson-Barr- Finance Administrator
Mrs C Whitaker- Administrator
Mrs K Clark- Administrator