St Mary's Curriculum
Our Curriculum 
St Mary’s Curriculum – this has been designed through extensive research, CPD and best practice review including the work of: Rosenshine, Mary Myers, Ofsted curriculum review
We want our pupils to have transferable, integrated skills and knowledge equipping them for the next step in their learning journey. Our high-quality, personalised provision will be relevant, ambitious and rich in cultural capital enabling all learners to make good or better progress through their time at St. Mary’s.
This holistic approach to learning will be inspirational, innovative and imaginative. Ignition days and hands on learning will hook the learners. Revising, revisiting and rapid retrieval of learning will ensure retention of knowledge, processing this into long-term memory within a meaningful schema. To do this we have carefully designed our knowledge-engaged curriculum. This is designed to enable learners to acquire relevant subject knowledge which underpins the application of skills. Progression of skills maps will ensure pupils acquire these to deepen their learning overtime. The children’s learning journey will be driven by stimulating, challenging, exciting delivery ensuring progression and a sense of ownership of their own learning. Knowledge is taught through an enquiry driver. This driver consists of a main question that the draws together the key learning for that area. The knowledge will be systematically structured and built on over time.
To achieve our vision we will use:
- An ambitious curriculum map demonstrate clear progression of skills, knowledge and understanding
- Ignition days – used to stimulate, build, develop, consolidate and scaffold learning
- Hands on learning with a key focus on cultural capital
- Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction
- Skills progression to extend learning over time
- Knowledge progression in books–class books, floor books, mind map moments
- Reading corner with topic books including fiction and non-fiction
- MAJ passports linked to all learning
- Context based curriculum
Cultural Capital:
Enrichment provision is an essential part of St Marys’ our curriculum provides pupils with a wide range of opportunities to build cultural capital this helps to develop a thirst for learning and a desire to become a lifelong learners.
We delight in awe and wonder and ask big questions.`Spirituality is deepened through all aspects of the curriculum and provides opportunities for all to wonder about things beyond themselves to deepen the connection between themselves, others and the wider world. It is explored through opportunities to reflect, question, discuss and debate. A creative approach to spiritual development through art, music, drama encourages appreciation, gratitude and develops pupil's ability to be courageous advocates.
At St. Mary’s we strive for all children to reach their full potential, both academically and socially, emotionally and spiritually. We make good progress from EYFS to year 6 and our attainment is good. Progression of skills are evidenced demonstrating application and problem solving in line with age and aptitude. The curriculum knowledge and skills are taught discreetly, where we are actively seeking links between subjects, thereby strengthening schema.
Our children enjoy their lessons and this love of learning leads to developing them into flourishing lifelong learners who make an active contribution to our world.
Our strong pastoral support and excellent relationships model positive behaviours for our children. Our mantra ‘Do everything in love’ along with our key values is deeply embedded in all children and we know that our children live out these values not only whilst at school, but in their life’s journey.