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We expect all children at St Mary’s to wear school uniform. This gives the children a sense of belonging and pride in their school.

The children will need:

  • White collared shirt – either a traditional shirt or polo shirt
  • Royal blue sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan with or without the school logo
  • Charcoal (dark grey) or black trousers, shorts, school skirt or pinafore
  • Optional blue gingham summer dresses in the summer
  • Black school shoes




PE Kit:

Please make sure that your child attends school in P.E. kit on the day of their lesson.

Acceptable P.E. kit is:

  • Blue or white t-shirt (no large logos)
  • Navy Blue or black sweatshirt or tracksuit top (no large logos)
  • Navy Blue or black shorts, leggings or bottoms
  • Trainers


Uniform and branded school bags can be ordered online from:

Parents may choose to purchase non-school branded uniform from other outlets but must ensure they are in the designated school colours.

Second hand uniform sales are held approximately once a term in the school playground, if you would like to purchase second hand uniform outside of these, please contact the school office.

Please make sure all clothing is clearly named!

Jewellery and Presentation

We do not allow children to wear jewellery on health and safety grounds. The exceptions are:

  • Children are only permitted to wear single stud earrings that they must be able to remove for PE.  We cannot put tape on children’s ears or excuse them from PE. If your child wishes to get their ears pierced, we suggest that it is done at the beginning of the summer holidays.
  • Small objects of religious significance such as a crucifix on a chain or Sikh Kara. Children must be able to remove these items for swimming, games and PE.
  • Children may wear a watch.
  • Hairstyles and colour should be sensible and appropriate for school. Hair should not be dyed, have tramlines
  • Make up and nail varnish is not permitted.

If you would like any further information or assistance in purchasing school uniform, or it is something you are worried about, please contact our friendly office team who can offer our advice and help.